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Christian Living Today Quips - Quotes, Observations

By Lillian Hines

Christian Living Today – Quips, Quotes, Observations

With the kind nod from our publisher, Darlene, I will be alternating topics on a monthly basis. My desire to achieve a greater sense of strength and vitality after nearly two years following a severe back injury has been greatly enhanced with wise (sometimes not so wise) counsel of a dedicated group in the medical professions as well as lots of hard work/therapy. The pursuit of best nutrition for me and husband has had profound positive results as well. However, my loyalties are nearly equally divided to write on "Christian Living Today" – a topic with a wide brush stroke of topics.

My inspiration, at times, comes from invisible resources; a reader board, bumper sticker, childhood experience and at times a quip or quote will begin germinating in the deep recesses of my ripening brain and I must rush to write it down lest it be forgotten with the very next distraction; a pencil and writing pad are my constant companions. As an eager reader, I find, also generates many thought provoking topics.

Recently our family has taken the first (and second) steps in preparing for the inevitable – our mortality as the parents. This is not exactly how I intended to begin this particular writing; but is foundational in my thinking on the quips and quotes which follow. My mental attention has also focused on a healthy curiosity of the actual thought processes of leaving this fallible vessel. How do I say goodbye? How do I help my family and friends say goodbye? Will I be sad when those last goodbyes are spoken? Of course. Will I be fearful? I hope not. If my faith is anchored firmly in the belief that Christ has redeemed me with his precious blood and he has also prepared a home as well as a home going for me, then my personal emotion surrounding my departure should be peaceful.

In spite of the emotional drain of the past two years I am so blessed to still find humor is some of the most unexpected times, places or circumstances. I am also blessed to have a companion who has a marvelous way of dealing with my doldrums when life seems grim. We have a favorite coffee shop aptly named The Spudnut Shop which we occasion on a somewhat regular basis (woops, my sins will find me out!). All my husband has to do to get a smile is whisper "spudnut" and I’m laughing and life seems, once gain, OK. This is a place of laughter, friends, news and the best coffee in town – all good for the soul. Yes, coffee is acceptable – it is a plant derived antioxidant. From ABC News, August 2005: A study released today from the University of Scranton revealed that coffee is America's No. 1 source of antioxidants, an important compound that protects your body from disease. Thanks, ABC!

-- Now on to a few of my favorite quotes – I boldly use just my own this time.

Quote: "At my age, I’m caring less and less about more and more"…(L. Hines 11/11/07)

Observation: In Luke 10:38, Mary and Martha have welcomed Jesus into their home. I guess I’ve always been a "Martha", frequently fretting and troubled about things I can’t change, while Mary understood that hearing the heart of Jesus was the more worthy place to be. I’m not sure just when I began to let go of more and more – I believe it had to do with the realization that a significant individual in my life either would or would not respect me or accept me for who I am; the mother of her husband and grandmother of the children. I was taught to respect my elders not only in the family but in the Lord. My spirit is grieved as I see her dangerous slide into the New Age beliefs, and the distance it has created in the family. Ruth Graham is quoted as saying: "It’s my job to love Billy, its God’s job to make him good". Similarly, it’s my job to love her, and God’s job to once again soften her heart and give a hunger for Himself and his word.

Quote: "I’ve never seen a tree blow into the wind." L Hines 11/20/07

Observation: We live in windy country. The time I spend on my hair each morning depends largely on the wind factor – the hair will do what it wishes as soon as I walk out the door, regardless of the arranging, spraying and final touches. A woman should "fix her face" every morning, regardless of her age, and my ritual is firmly fixed in that area. We were leaving Wal-Mart one afternoon clutching our bags against a fierce wind testing the supple, young trees. At times their boughs bent almost parallel to the ground. I asked my husband if he had ever seen a tree blow into the wind. He simply chuckled and shook his head. It was an interesting thought nonetheless. The Bible does admonish us not to be driven by various winds of doctrine, but to be steadfast in our hearts and minds.

In Matt 8 we find the story of Jesus calming the storm:

23Then Jesus got into the boat and started across the lake with his disciples. 24 Suddenly, a terrible storm came up, with waves breaking into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. 25The disciples went to him and woke him up, shouting, "Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!"

26And Jesus answered, "Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!" Then he stood up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly all was calm. 27The disciples just sat there in awe. "Who is this?" they asked themselves. "Even the wind and waves obey him!" NLT

Quote: Sometimes life just gets in the way…(L. Hines 4/2008)

Driving home from a morning of errands and business appointments I found myself once again playing the Martha role. With a trunk filled with groceries, we were hungry, all that food had to be put into its niche, and it would rapidly be time to prepare lunch, the weather was definitely not inspirational and my overall state of mind was in a funk. My husband, in his usual optimistic approach just quietly listened. Suddenly I said: "You know sometimes life just gets in the way" – not a particularly brilliant state of mind.

I immediately realized that this was a self-centered attitude and my spirit was heavy with self serving. In Matthew chapter 6 Jesus gives us these words: (vs.25) "Do not be anxious for your life, as to what you shall eat, or what you shall drink, nor for your body, as to what you shall put on. Is not life more than food, and the body than clothing?" (vs.33,34) "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will take care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Yes the tomorrow took care of itself. What a gracious, merciful God we serve.

© June 2008 Lillian Hines


It must be very frustrating having all

The answers when no one asks the right Questions~~~

(L. Hines 11/4/07)


If you walk on eggs long enough,

you are bound to break a few.

Keep Walking anyway.(L.Hines,2007)

Final comment:

"The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them; that’s the essence of inhumanity."

George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwright (1956-1950








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